
日期:2024-04-30 09:52:08

孔融让梨英语故事 第1篇

Kong Rong gave the bigger pears to others. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a man named Kong Rong. He was very clever since he was young.

He had five brothers and one younger brother. That day, his father bought some pears. Kong Rong deliberately chose a big one for Kong Rong.

Kong Rong shook his head and picked up the smallest one. His father was very curious and asked why Kong Rong said: I am young, I should eat smaller pears, and my brother wants to eat them My father was very happy to hear about the bigger pear, but asked further: what should I do if your brother is younger than you? Kong Rong said: I am older than him, so I should leave the bigger one to my younger brother. Kong Rong has become a great scholar.



孔融让梨英语故事 第2篇



孔融让梨英语故事 第3篇




Once upon a time, there was a 7-year-old child named Kong Rong. He had five older brothers and one younger brother. One day, his father put a big plate of pears on the table.


“Here are seven washed pears. Come over and enjoy them,” said his farther.


The brothers all rushed over for the big ones, but Kong Rong picked the smallest one instead.


“Why did you pick the smallest one? Don’t you like the big pears?” asked his father curiously.


“Dad, I do like the big pears. But I should take the small one because I am younger,” said Kong Rong.


“Then, according to your logic, why didn’t you leave the smallest pear for your younger brother?” asked his father.


“Because I’m older and I should take care of my younger brother,” answered Kong Rong.


“What a good boy!” his father praised Kong Rong.


We should be thoughtful of others and put their needs first.




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