
日期:2024-04-26 12:36:03

水果英语句子 精选30句

1. 不定代词和副词的用法:

2. in+Big place: get to a place(get to+place:到达一个地方)

3. an apple a day keeps doctors away.

4. 我打开石榴一看,籽儿好红呀!一粒连着一粒,粒粒都像粉红色的水晶石。写果肉

5. 看,西瓜长得圆圆的,身上穿着浅绿与深绿条纹的衣服,头顶上还扎着一根弯弯曲曲的小辫子。西瓜的名字很有趣,有的叫“黑美人”,有的叫“黑蜜”。有些西瓜是圆形的,有些西瓜椭圆形的。有的西瓜有籽,有的西瓜无籽。有些瓜瓤是红色的,有些瓜瓤是黄色的。

6. 瞧,它长得弯弯的,最喜欢穿着一件金黄的衣服,像一位身姿苗条的小姑娘。摸一摸,小姑娘的皮肤滑滑的,软软的。闻一闻,小姑娘身上的香味扑鼻而来,令人心旷神怡。脱下小姑娘的外衣,里面露出白中带黄的果肉,吃到嘴里,感觉粘粘的,像在吃粘糕一样,但是让人吃了又想吃。

7. like to do sth:好像......我好像认识他我好像认识他。

8. 每一粒石榴籽包着一层粉红的薄膜,亮晶晶的,又白又嫩,像一颗颗钻石。

9. so+形容词+that+句子:so... that...

10. 蜜桃成熟了,它努着红扑扑的嘴巴,再配上一身小绒毛,那么好看那么可爱,像害羞的姑娘一样,低垂着头,微红着脸。

11. anana:main boss领袖,头头,大老板eg. He's (the ) top banana in this company.他是这家公司的大老板。Bean (豆) brain :idiot 白痴,笨蛋eg. He is such a bean brain.他是个大笨蛋。 about sth. (not to know):not to know anything about sth.对某事物一无所知,一窍不通eg. I don't know beans about computers.我对电脑一窍不通。*注意:此词语只有否定形式,“to kno

12. the grapes are sour.

13. 因为,后面跟名词、代词或动名词(即动词+ing),不能跟句子。

14. swallow a date whole

15. 足够与形容词或副词连用,并在其后放置足够。他已经到了上学的年龄。

16. 有商量了。但我想他这不过是开了一张空头支票。Cauliflower (花椰菜,菜花)cauliflower ears:swollen ears usually resulting from a boxing match拳击运动员因多次受击而肿起的开花耳朵 boxer has cauliflower ears.那位拳击运动员的耳朵被打开花了。Cherry (樱桃)bowl of cherries (to be a ):to be wonderful 精彩的,绝妙的 eg. Life isn't always a bowl of cherries.生活并不总是美好的。Corn

17. 做某事忘记某事已做(已做)

18. (谷物;谷粒)“For corn sake!”:“Oh,my goodness!” “噢,天哪!” *注:这个词语虽然已相当过时,但中老年人仍在使用。corn : drama情节剧;感情表现夸张的戏剧 eg. What a bunch of corn!这一连串的情节剧真精彩啊! 情节剧的;夸张的eg. That movie was so corny!这部电影表现得太夸张了!cornball: 荒唐的,可笑的eg. Where did you buy that cornball hat

19. 有关“水果蔬菜”词汇的美国俚语Apple 苹果 of one's eye ( to be the ): to be one's favorite 掌上明珠;心爱物 eg. She is the apple of her father's eye.她是她父亲的掌上明珠。 Apple (the ): New York 大苹果城即纽约 eg. I live in the Big Apple.我住在大苹果城。epare apples and oranges(to ): to compare two things that simply cannot be

20. 一个个黄澄澄、金灿灿的菠萝,似金珠般井然有序地排列着,美极了!

21. o go bananas: become crazy.发疯,神经错乱 eg. I'm so bored I'm going bananas.我厌烦的要死,都快发疯了。 become wild with anger狂怒,气得发疯 went bananas when she found him cheating.她发现他欺骗时气得要命。 second banana(to ):t o be second choice第二选择,次要人物 eg. I always play second banana to her.我总是做她的后补。 b

22. 太多,后接可数名词复数。太多,后接不可数名词,修饰动词作状语。

23. 火龙果全身红通通的,远远看去,就像一团火焰,近看像一朵含苞待放的花儿。用刀切开火龙果,立即露出那雪白的果肉,让人喜欢得不得了。雪白的果肉中还包着一粒粒黑黑的籽。一咬,哇!香甜可口,黑黑的籽咬下去还脆脆的呢!真是让人越吃越爱吃。

24. Enough(够用)与名词连用,一般在名词前,他有足够的钱。

25. 那圆圆的橘子像千万盏小灯笼,金灿灿,红彤彤,在墨绿的树叶里灼灼闪光。写颜色

26. 那柚子皮上像涂过一层桐油,黄黄的、光光的,香味幽雅而清淡,使人闻着直流口水。

27. the apple of eye

28. w beans about sth.”这种说法不存在。 Town :Boston,Massachusetts 豆城指麻萨诸塞州波士顿市 *注:波士顿市以其特产烘豆而闻名。Beet (甜菜) red (to be):to be extremly red from blushing ,embarrassment,etc.因窘迫,羞愧等脸红 eg. She was so embarrased she turned beet red.他窘迫得满脸通红。(洋白菜,甘蓝菜)钱,金钱*注:这个词语尽管已不在常用,但偶尔也会在老影片或玩笑

29. ?你从哪儿买来那顶滑稽的帽子?cucumber (黄瓜,胡瓜)cool as a cucumber (to be):to be calm and composed 十分冷静,镇定自如 eg. Although he's guilty of the crime ,he sure as cool as a cucumber.尽管他犯了罪,却还是那么镇定自如。水果:pineapple 凤梨 watermelon 西瓜 papaya 木瓜 betelnut 槟榔 chestnut 栗子 coconut 椰子 ponkan 碰柑 tangerine 橘子mandarin orange 橘 sugar-cane 甘蔗 muskmelon 香瓜 shaddock 文旦 juice peach 水蜜桃 pear 梨子 peach 桃子carambola 杨桃carambola carambola简明英汉词典kærm b ul n. 1 五敛子树, 阳桃树 2 五敛子,阳桃

30. 中听到。carrot (胡萝卜)carrot in front of someone (to danglea) tempt someone with an unobtainable offer开空头支票以实践不了的诺言诱惑某人 boss told me lf I perform well on the job ,we 'll talk about a salary increase next I think he's just dangling a carrot in front of me.老板告诉我,如果我工作表现出色,明年加工资就

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